  1. WeReader | read collaboratively
    International students must overcome many barriers when they come to another country, and popular belief states that, among these barriers, language barriers are the most central to their struggles. What international students need is the security to seek help from a community that makes them feel comfortable enough to do so, thus levelling the playing field by encouraging professional, educational, and social growth.
  2. Tilla is a modular tile system that brings the health benefits of plants into the bathroom.
    Tilla is a modular tile system that brings the health benefits of plants into the bathroom. It uses Tillandsias, commonly known as air plants, to enrich air quality because Tillandsias actively filter out allergens and toxins from the air.
  3. Bubble Diagram
    The mission of this program document is to provide the Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity with guidelines for offices and dry labs at Cornell University to support the physical, cognitive, and psychological needs of aging faculty.
  4. Extending the lifespan of plastic bags.
    Our challenge was to design and develop a product that would extend the lifespan of un-recyclable plastic bags. I developed the Plarninator to cut plastic bags into strips and convert them into a raw material.